Be sure and get a set of measurements before freezing. And WRITE them down!!!
Also if at all possible, have a color photo be sure to include it so taxidermist may recreate coloration
as the fish was while living. Fish will not retain their original color once dead.
Wrap fish in a wet towel or T-shirt and then bagged in a plastic bag so it does not get freezer burn,
then freeze it.
Leave the fish fully intact. The taxidermist will do all necessary removal of entrails, eyes, gills etc.
Take an old bath towel and soak it in water. Not damp but wet, wet, wet! Then role the fish up in the towel, place the rolled up towel
inside a plastic bag and freeze it solid until you find the time or money to have it mounted.
The sooner you take it to your taxidermist the better; however a fish that is prepared in this manner can last in most freezers for up to
12 months an still be in perfect condition.
Do not leave a fish that has died in water, on a stringer, in a live-well, or in a cooler on melting ice.
Try placing it in a plastic bag prior to putting it in the ice chest for the road trip home.
This can mean the difference between an O.K. mount and a quality mount you're proud to put on the wall.
Keep your catch in good condition!