Just as important as choosing the right taxidermist to mount your trophy, it is equally important to take the proper care in getting your deer
to the taxidermist.
Follow the suggestions below and you will end up with the mount you will be proud to display.
If possible, tag the animal on the horns or somewhere other than the ears.
Once field dressed and registered, keep your game as cold as possible and bring it to your taxidermist without delay if possible.
Avoid dragging your animal, as this can damage the hair. If you must drag, avoid pulling it over sharp objects, and always tie ropes to horns rather than around
the neck and keep the entire shoulder area above the ground.
Never drag behind a 4 wheeler unless you place something under it to protect the hide. Otherwise you can friction burn the hide and damage the hair.
If you are a local hunter and are not exactly sure or don’t have a lot of experience capping and skinning your game,
contact me and I will gladly remove the cape for you and that will guarantee the best end result for your mount.